Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On Motivation...

My motivation is gone; I don't find it in people. I'm a symbol of a yawn, my attempts have been feeble. I make up excuses inside my own head, and have short conversations with thoughts that are dead. Where is a reason for ideas to fly? My procrastination will be the reason I die...


Wake up! Take up! Lift off and swim into bed. Words are all presents, given to paper, so let's make it Christmas with all of this lead!

Make up! Shake up! Enter the jail of love. Hands thirst for affection, while brains hunger purpose, guess my minds anorexic when push comes to shove! Eureka, the day soon is mine, my motivations' still lacking, but my hearts' doing fine!

Calm down let's not be hasty, there's still a world of war. I do not have power, because I'm one person but imagine the strength of thousands or more... So stand up, chins up, salute not our country, but us...  Land doesn't fight, it's our minds that have might, now pick up your weapon and draw, paint or write. I need you, all of you, to breathe a little less foul. I'll feed you, all of you, my youth if you can show me how. 
Our reputations' diminished, our hopes' nearly finished. Climb up your ladders into the moon till all of you realize the end is too soon. I'm merely just rambling to your understanding, but listen just once in your lifetime.

We'll kill you, all of you, if you continue to pollute our love. So change now, and lives will be salvaged, confused? Then I'll show you how. 
If your motivation is gone, and you don't find it in people, you're a symbol of a yawn, and your attempts have been feeble. Just follow me, but I'm not the leader.

Your heart is stupid!

So keep feeding that meter.

It is here that you'll find your rest.

And your mind will beat within your chest.

You can disregard this...and throw a big fit...complain once to me, and you'll get a face full of shit.

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